Our practice specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of substance use disorders. We also provide 3rd party medical services for psychiatric and addiction treatment facilities and clinical and business consulting services for mental health providers. Founded over 20 years ago by Dr. Eugene Degner, a pioneer in the medical treatment of alcoholics and addicts and the first board certified addiction medicine doctor in Texas, we proudly carry on his legacy. Our doctors, nurses and mental health professionals expertly treat patients and their families at any stage of addiction and/or recovery in a caring and non-judgmental environment. We also specialize in providing medical and other related services, including individual and family therapy, for patients with mental health conditions (such as depression, trauma and anxiety).
Contemporary Medicine Associates is the primary practice of Bo Allaire, M.D. and Andrew Krieger, DSW, MBA, LCSW-S, LCDC. This group, and their affiliated team of doctors, nurses and therapists, has earned nationwide recognition in the medical and mental health treatment fields. Our corporate clients include a number of prominent hospitals, addiction treatment facilities and companies. The patients we treat come from a wide range of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds (addiction and mental illness do not discriminate). Our practice is committed to providing the highest level medical and mental health services to patients struggling with or in recovery from addiction or other psychiatric disorders.

Dr. Eugene A. Degner graduated Suma Cum Laude from Millikin University with a BS in Biology and received his MD from Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Degner began his successful career in family medicine in 1964 and following his own personal struggle with addiction and subsequent treatment/long-term sobriety, Dr. Degner was asked to be the founding Medical Director of Parkside Lodge in Katy, TX in 1983. For the next 34 years he led and founded several top treatment programs in Houston, attended to countless patients suffering from addiction and trained many prominent Texas doctors who specialize in addiction medicine. He also pioneered medically assisted detox techniques that are now standard practice and was the first Board Certified Addiction Medicine doctor in Texas. Contemporary Medicine Associates was a private practice that Dr. Degner founded with his wife Susan, in order to competently treat patients at any stage of addiction or recovery, in an understanding and compassionate environment. It is with the greatest deference and gratitude that the partners of CMA carry on Dr. Degner’s and Susan’s legacy.

Contemporary Medicine Associates is the largest 3rd party provider of medical services for private sector psychiatric and addiction treatment programs in Houston. Our group of medical doctors and nurse practitioners has decades of combined experience in providing quality medical care to psychiatric patients in inpatient and outpatient settings. From the highest volume, principally managed Medicare/Medicaid based facilities to high end, private pay addiction treatment programs, our medical staff is skilled in treating patients with mental health conditions. Our corporate clients include a number of prominent psychiatric hospitals and addiction treatment facilities. Our practice is committed to providing the highest level medical care to patients struggling with or in recovery from addiction or other psychiatric disorders
- H & P’s
- Medical Follow Ups
- Inpatient Detox
- Nursing Staff Support
- 24 hrs/day, 365 days/yr Medical On-Call
- Paper-based or Electronic Charting
- In House Billing and Collections
- Addiction Program Oversight

Contemporary Medicine Associates is nationally recognized for addiction treatment program design and development, as well as mental health business process consulting. We have developed addiction treatment programs, including medical and behavioral components along full continuums of care, for some of the largest mental health providers in the country. We also design addition treatment protocols for psychiatric hospitals, train clinical staff on addiction, provide practice development expertise for mental health providers, and analyze/optimize business processes for non-profit and for-profit companies. The partners at CMA can provide deep expertise at any stage of a project, from business plan creation for initial funding to turn around strategies or refinement of long standing programs.
- Business Consulting
- Clinical Program Design & Development
- Medical and Behavioral Protocols
- Staff Training
- Financial Modeling
- Executive Coaching and Mentoring
- Interim Executive Management
- Private Practice Development